Get to know Hot Glass Works


I’m a fused glass artists that loves working with glass, cutting it, heating it to extreme temperatures, mixing colors, shaping, slumping and challenging myself to see what can be accomplished and what the glass allows me to do. I love glass and its beauty and realize that in the right hands and with a creative eye, it can be dazzling and spectacular.

My career in glass started about 40 years ago and I really enjoyed working in the medium. Life got busy and I left my art only to come back about 18 years ago. Upon my return to the artistry of glass, I was surprised and excited to see the changes in glass art. I was drawn to the fused glass process and began to take classes to learn the process.

I was instantly hooked, bought a kiln and the rest is history. My work in fused glass has won several awards at art shows in Ruidoso New Mexico (three consecutive years in a row), at the Local Gallery in my hometown and in the art league in Victoria, Texas.

I hope you enjoy my work and follow me to see what is new, as I’m always exploring to keep expanding horizons.

Michael Moore
